Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Meet the Design Team

Hey everyone, I thought it was time to reintroduce our Design Team and welcome a new member. I am very honoured to have such incredible talent to work alongside of each week. They share amazing takes on the challenges and I am sure you are as inspired as I am.

Laurel Seabrook- founder and creator of the Inspirations and Sketches

Amy Tsuruta - she manages our new Instagram account (@inspired_by_challenges)


Shilo Miles

Lisa Schenck

 Tenia Nelson

 Veronica Zalis

 Cathy Harper

Tricia Barber

Silke Ledlow

Rae Kryc - our newest member 👏🏻


SugarGem said...

Wow so much talent!!! Love this challenge. Thank you

donna mikasa said...

Great reintroduction of your DT, and a warm welcome to Rae!