Thursday, October 31, 2019

Inspired by.... jars

Hey everyone, Happy Halloween. Are you heading out or handing out goodies tonight? For today's inspiration I thought it could easily bring us into the next season with the colors.

How are you inspired? colors? jars? trio? theme? texture?

Check out how the Design Team were inspired:

LeAnne Pugliese

Claire Broadwater

Now we would love to see your take on the inspiration:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Inspired by.... table runner

With Halloween being just around the corner I had to have a Halloween inspired photo but the project does not have to be Halloween at all.

How are you inspired? strips? patterns? theme? colors? bats? ghosts? spider web? 

Check out how the Design Team were inspired

Sunday, October 20, 2019


A couple of winners to announce.

First up, the winner of the Inspired By.... truckload of fall.

She nailed the inspiration, love that truck and the thanks on the back!
Congratulations Julie!

Next up, the winner of last week's challenge Inspired By...gather

What an amazing take on the inspiration!
I love the subtle colors and of course those skis. Well done!

Congratulations winners be sure to grab your badge!

Now don't forget to play along in this week's challenge:

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Inspired By.... pumpkins

Hello and welcome to another Inspired By Challenge. Just like I love acorns as a fall symbol, same with pumpkins. I not only love pumpkins.... I love anything made with pumpkin. What about you?

There are so many ways to take the image above. Pumpkins? plaid? pattern? clusters? circles? colors? 

Check out how the Design team were inspired. 

Claire Broadwater

Now we would love to see what you create:

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Inspired By....gather

Hey everyone and welcome to another round of Inspired By. Here in Canada we are getting ready for Thanksgiving so I thought this worked well for that theme but of course so many other ways to take this.

How are you inspired? Thanksgiving? Fall? Colors? Clean and Simple? Large focal word? banner? leaves? pattern?....

Check out what the design team have created:

                                                                       Michele Ferguson

Laurel Seabrook

Now we would love to see what you do:

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Inspired By.... truckload of fall

Hi everyone, happy October! I love October what about you? Fall, pumpkins, Thanksgiving (for us here in Canada).... 

This photo really spoke to me. I mean pumpkins in a vintage truck and a wooden sign....How does it inspire you? theme? pumpkins? truck? vintage? farm? colors?

Check out what the design team have created for you.

Now we would love to see what you create: