
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Winner...Inspired By Punny Sentiments

  We are back with a winner from Inspired By Challenge: Punny Sentiments

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 Please use hashtag #inspiredbylaurel and tag us @inspiredbychallenges!


The Punny Sentiments challenge gallery is filled 
with the punniest cards, it is SO pun (sorry)!  
The team and I agree it's not fun picking just ONE card each week.  All of the 
participants each week are so very talented and inspiring, the galleries are amazing!

The winner of the Punny Sentiments challenge are these adorable cards created by Isabelle!
Isabelle created two, cute punny cards, two cards that will make recipients smile,
laugh, and have a great day!  Thank you for sharing these adorable designs and puns with us!

Congratulations Isabelle!
We can't wait to see more of your cards!
Don't forget to play in this week's challenge Give A Dog A Bone


  1. Loved everyone's punny cards.
    Congrats on your win Isabelle xx

  2. OMG, what a lovely surprise ! Thank you so much for choosing my cards, I'm so thrilled. I love punny sentiments (above all when I understand them 😂). I had a lot of fun creating these cards. Thanks again !
