Friday, May 26, 2023

Winner...Inspired by Yellow


There were so many fabulous cards in the gallery for last week's challenge.  All that yellow makes a person happy, so hard to just pick one project!

Kelly Schirmer

The different elements that were included in Kelly's design captured the inspiration photo perfectly!

Can't wait to see how everyone is inspired for this week's challenge!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Inspired By Lilacs

Oh lilacs.... I wish they bloomed all year long. I could just sit and sniff them all day. Are you a lilac lover too?

How are you inspired? lilacs? colors? dining? sketch?

Check out the designs that the team were inspired to create. 

Laurel Seabrook 
(out this week - in Germany!)

Now it is your turn!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Winner.... Inspired By Breakfast

 I totally forgot to post this last night (I blame it on Germany brain - we leave for Germany today!)

Once again, tough choice but the winner is:

Carol Mc

I love how you used the sketch to crate a little scene. And that cute tea bag.
Congratulations and be sure to grab your badge from the tab at the top.

Can't wait to see what everyone does for this week's challenge

Inspired By Yellow

Now if the color yellow doesn't say May I don't know what does. Yellow is such a happy color don't you agree?

Now how are you inspired by this? Yellow? flowers? polka dots? fan? summer? sketch? 

Check out how the design team was inspired.

 Now it's your turn and we can't wait to see how you are inspired. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Inspired By Breakfast

Hey everyone welcome back. I don't know about you but brunch is my favorite meal to go out for and I can almost taste this inspiration. Yum!

How does this inspire you? breakfast/brunch? food? berries? color? sketch?

Check out how the design team was inspired.

Now it is your turn we can't wait to see how this inspires you


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Winner... Inspired By Elephants

 Sooo many adorable cards in the gallery last week. Loving all of the cute elephants. It was actually hard to choose a winner.

Andrea T

Congratulations Andrea! I just loved the happy elephants, ducks and the added 'water droplets'
Be sure to grab your badge from the tab at the top

Come back tomorrow for the next challenge.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Inspired By... Elephants

Happy Star Wars day... guess we should have had something Star Wars themed for today. Our first challenge for May and we have this cute inspiration

How are you inspired? Elephants? Soft colors? Coffee mug? Sketch?

Check out how our design team was inspired:

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Winner .... Inspired By Pretty Packages

Thanks for playing along last week. All of the flowers just made me happy and ready for May! Last week's winner is:

I loved her take on the sketch and the beautiful color combo! Great job!
Be sure to grab your badge from the tab at the top.

Come back tomorrow for our next challenge.