Sunday, June 30, 2024

Winner.... Inspired By Suitcases

eeek the last day of June! It is a holiday here in Canada tomorrow, not sure what we will be doing but since we just got back from Mexico, probably catching up. Oh and hubby will be installing a new washing machine since in the middle of my first load it broke!

This is such a fabulous card and a great take on the inspiration! 
I love that image and how she is coloured.
Congratulations Liz, be sure to grab your badge

Now don't forget to play along in this week's challenge


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Inspired By... Picnic

As we near the long weekend celebrations for July 1 for Canada and then July 4 for the US, there will be some picnics happening I am sure. Will you be going to one? We will actually be going to my niece's 35th birthday celebration, she was born July 11

How are you inspired? theme? woodgrain? colors? vintage? rope? pattern? sketch?

Check out how the design team were inspired.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Winner... Inspired By Pops

 Love the way you were inspired last week, some great Father's Day/Masculine cards which I sometimes have difficulty creating. 

Congratulations Karen! I loved the texture and the layers!
Be sure to grab your badge

Now don't forget to play along this week

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Inspired By... Suitcases

I am headed off to Mexico tomorrow (I know it seems a funny time to be going but I earned the trip and this is when it is), so this seemed like a good time for this photo inspiration. 

How does this inspire you? monotone? colors? metal? suitcases? theme? sketch?

Check out the design team's inspiration:
Silke (out this week)

Now it's your turn:


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Winner.... Inspired By Oars

 Some pretty fantastic projects in the gallery! It was hard to choose a winner.

So much to love here! Congratulations Wanda!

Don't forget to play along with week!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Inspired By... Pops

With Father's Day around the corner here.... Pops has a couple of meanings ;)

How are you inspired? theme? stripes? food? polka dots? pop? party? sketch?  so many fun things you can do with this one1

Silke (out this week)

Laurel Seabrook
(out this week)

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Winner... Inspired By Muffin Cups


Thank you to those of you who played along last week!

Such a pretty card, with soft colors and nice texture!
Congratulations Carol! Be sure to grab your badge

Now don't forget to play along this week

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Inspired By...Oars

A new month, a new set of inspiration coming your way. This photo definitely can be taken so many ways. 

How does it inspire you? oars? woodgrain? colors? numbers? starfish? theme? sketch?

As always the Design Team have really showcased the many ways that you can take this!

Silke (out this week)

Now it is your turn!


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Winner... Inspired by Boxes

Such a perfect and fabulous take on the inspiration! Love all of the texture and layers!
Congratulations Kelly, be sure to grab your badge.

Now don't forget to play along with this week's challenge