Sunday, August 30, 2020

Winner...Inspired By Punny Sentiments

  We are back with a winner from Inspired By Challenge: Punny Sentiments

Join us on Instagram

 Please use hashtag #inspiredbylaurel and tag us @inspiredbychallenges!


The Punny Sentiments challenge gallery is filled 
with the punniest cards, it is SO pun (sorry)!  
The team and I agree it's not fun picking just ONE card each week.  All of the 
participants each week are so very talented and inspiring, the galleries are amazing!

The winner of the Punny Sentiments challenge are these adorable cards created by Isabelle!
Isabelle created two, cute punny cards, two cards that will make recipients smile,
laugh, and have a great day!  Thank you for sharing these adorable designs and puns with us!

Congratulations Isabelle!
We can't wait to see more of your cards!
Don't forget to play in this week's challenge Give A Dog A Bone

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Inspired By...give a dog a bone

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him/her only two of them!  --Phil Pastoret

Good morning everyone!  
Yesterday was National Dog's Day and what 
 could be more fun than to see a gallery of our favorite four-legged 
friends and four-legged quotes.
We can't wait to see what amazing creations will fill our gallery!  If you don't have dog stamps or maybe you're more of a cat person (wink), our sketch at the bottom of the post is waiting to be interpreted.  
We welcome your submissions for this challenge until Wednesday, September 2nd, 11:55pm pst. The winner of each challenge
 will be announced on the 
Sunday after the new challenge opens.

How are you inspired? 
colors? patterns? dogs?
furry friends? sketch?

Check out how the amazing team was inspired this week.

This week's sketch
(please see left sidebar if you have questions on how to use sketch)

Please check back on Sunday, August 30th, for the winner
 from the Punny Sentiments challenge.
Now we'd love to see your cards, layouts, or projects and 
how you were inspired this week.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Winner...Inspired By Critter Six Pack

 We are back with a winner from Inspired By Challenge: Critter Six Pack

And before we get started, for those of you on Pinterest, we have a link to join us!  Please use hashtag #inspiredbylaurel and tag us @inspiredbychallenges!

Join us on Instagram


The Critter Six Pack challenge gallery is filled 
with the CUTEST critter cards!  
The team and I agree it gets more difficult each week to 
pick a single winner, seriously, SO hard!

The winner of the Critter Six Pack challenge is this adorable card created by DJ!
We love how DJ interpreted the sketch with those fun critters and the cute
critter backsides paired with that sentiment are just so fun!
Thank you for sharing with us this week!

 Congratulations DJ! 
We can't wait to see more of your cards!
Don't forget to play in this week's challenge Punny Sentiments

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Inspired By... punny sentiments IB138

What's a pun's best trait?
His pun-ctuality!
Good morning everyone!  A funny pun make some of the cutest cards! There are so many CUTE stamp sets that have puns, let's pull them out and give them some love this week!  If you DO NOT have a stamp set with some puns, (or do not want to use your printer to create a pun) maybe this week's SKETCH will inspire you to inspire us!
We can't wait to see your pun-inspired and sketch-inspired cards this week!! 
We welcome your submissions for this challenge until Wednesday, August 26, 11:55pm pst. The winner of each challenge
 will be announced on the 
Sunday after the new challenge opens.
As always, the sketch is at the bottom of the post.

How are you inspired? 
puns or sketch 

Check out how the amazing team was inspired this week.

Inside sentiment: 
 Let's hope this year doesn't "zoom" by like last year!

This week's sketch
(please see left sidebar if you have questions on how to use sketch)

Please check back on Sunday, August 23rd, for the winner
 from the Critter Six Pack challenge.
Now we'd love to see your cards, layouts, or projects and 
how you were inspired this week.

We have some news!  
If you are on Instagram, so are we and
you can now follow and tag the challenges!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Winner...Inspired By Endless Summer

 We are back with a winner from Inspired By Challenge: Endless Summer Sandi

The Endless Summer challenge gallery is filled 
with the coolest, end of summer cards!  
The team and I agree it gets more difficult each week to 
pick a single winner, seriously, SO hard!

The winner of the Endless Summer challenge is this beautiful card created by Vicky
Her card reminds us of a summer sunset and all the 
beauty observed in those gorgeous colors at the end of a summer's day!
Thank you for sharing with us this week!


  Congratulations Vicky! 
We can't wait to see more of your cards!
Don't forget to play in this week's challenge Critter Six Pack

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Inspired By...critter six pack

Good morning everyone!  
We are back this week with a sweet animal friends inspiration photo.
We can't wait to see what you'll create and how you were inspired!  
We welcome your submissions for this challenge until Wednesday, August 19, 11:55pm pst. The winner of each challenge
 will be announced on the 
Sunday after the new challenge opens.
As always, the sketch is at the bottom of the post.

How are you inspired? 
colors? bear? giraffe? bunny?
hippo? panda? friends? sketch?
squares? blended colors?
(source for inspiration)

Check out how the amazing team was inspired this week.


Amy Tsuruta

This week's sketch
(please see left sidebar if you have questions on how to use sketch)

Please check back on Sunday, August 16th, for the winner
 from the Endless Summer challenge.
Now we'd love to see your cards, layouts, or projects and 
how you were inspired this week.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Winner...Inspired By Fruity Sentiments

 We are back with a winner from Inspired By Challenge: Fruity Sentiments Sandi

The Fruity Sentiments challenge gallery is filled 
with delicious inspiration!  
 This week there is inspiration for the freshest, sweetest cards!  The team and I agree, it 
gets more difficult each week to pick a single winner, seriously, SO hard!

The winner of the Fruity Sentiments challenge are these CUTE cards from Pip.
Her first card shares her interpretation of the sketch in addition to the theme this week
and her card is SO CUTE, that sentiment is fabulous!   Her second card is amazing!  
Love every last detail, it all works so perfectly for a happy, fresh card, for a very
lucky recipient! 
Thank you for sharing with us this week!

  Congratulations Pip! 
We can't wait to see more of your cards!
Don't forget to play in this week's challenge Endless Summer

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Inspired By...endless summer

Good morning everyone!  
We are back this week with a summery sunset inspiration.
We can't wait to see what you'll create and how you were inspired!  
We welcome your submissions for this challenge until Wednesday, August 12th 11:59pm pst. The winner of each challenge will be announced on the 
Sunday after the new challenge opens. (For example, the Fruity Sentiments challenge winner will be announced on Sunday, August 9th)
As always, the sketch is at the bottom of the post.

How are you inspired? 
colors? summer? friends? sketch?
surfers? masculine cards?
big sun? blended colors?
sunset? sketch?
(source for inspiration)

Check out how the team was inspired this week.

Danni Reid

Tenia Nelson

This week's sketch
(please see left sidebar if you have questions on how to use sketch)

Please check back on Sunday, August 9th, for the winner
 from the Fruity Sentiments challenge.
Now we'd love to see how you were inspired, your cards, layouts, or projects.