Thursday, August 13, 2020

Inspired By...critter six pack

Good morning everyone!  
We are back this week with a sweet animal friends inspiration photo.
We can't wait to see what you'll create and how you were inspired!  
We welcome your submissions for this challenge until Wednesday, August 19, 11:55pm pst. The winner of each challenge
 will be announced on the 
Sunday after the new challenge opens.
As always, the sketch is at the bottom of the post.

How are you inspired? 
colors? bear? giraffe? bunny?
hippo? panda? friends? sketch?
squares? blended colors?
(source for inspiration)

Check out how the amazing team was inspired this week.


Amy Tsuruta

This week's sketch
(please see left sidebar if you have questions on how to use sketch)

Please check back on Sunday, August 16th, for the winner
 from the Endless Summer challenge.
Now we'd love to see your cards, layouts, or projects and 
how you were inspired this week.

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